Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How Thought Affects Results

Look at the chart at the left. The way you think is determined by input to your brain through your five senses. What you see, smell, taste, touch and hear become ideas. If this input is repeated, the ideas become habits of thinking or "Attitudes." The way you think about something directly affects the way you do things. It even affects the way you feel. For instance, if you think you are cold, you might shiver. If, on the other hand, you think you are hot, you might perspire, even in the middle of a very cold day.
The way you act or behave, determines the results you get when you attempt something. Therefore, it follows that if you are told over and over again by your coach that you can pole vault over a six foot bar, and you watch others doing it, you begin to think you can really do it yourself. Once convinced that you can, you try until the method you use works, and by golly, you clear the bar!

The best thing about all of this is this: If you are not satisfied with the results you are currently getting in your business, you have to look first at HOW you are running your business. (Behavior) If you can identify the behavior causing the unwanted results, you then need to change the way you THINK so the behavior will change. To chaange the way you think, you need to change the INPUT.

The good news is: Like the three fellows to the right, you have control over the input. Speak no negative things, Look at no negative things, and do not listen to negative things. Instead, allow in only positive ideas and methods. Listen only to positive thinking people. See yourself as being successful at what you do.

When you do this, others follow, and not only do you attract a great team with which to work, but you begin to attract the success that you desire!

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